1st International Workshop on
Software Engineering Research & Practices for the Internet of Things
Monday, May 27, 2019
Montreal, QC, Canada
Co-located with ICSE 2019
IoT systems are composed of software systems that enable solutions for device connectivity, device management, data management, application development, and advanced analytics for/from connected IoT systems. Software engineering is vital for IoT to design systems that are secure, interoperable, modifiable, and scalable. However, there is no a consensus of crucial questions like what are the best practices for developing projects for IoT, how to select the best architecture, which communications protocols are the most suitable, and what are the best practices in terms of security.
SERP4IoT 2019 aims to provide a highly interactive forum for researchers and practitioners to address the challenges of, find solutions for, and share experiences with the development, release, and testing of robust software for IoT devices. The workshop will consist of rocking keynote presentations (delivered by Enrique Alba from University of Malaga, Spain; Hausi A. Müller from University of Victoria, Canada , and Jerome Bedard from Kinova Robotics), long- and short-paper presentations, talks, poster sessions, working groups after each lighting session, and a fishbowl panel for semi-structured group discussions at the end of the workshop.
Topics for papers and talks include but are not limited to:
Prospective participants are invited to submit long (8-pages), short(4-pages) or poster (2-pages) papers describing their work or ideas related to the workshop topics. Short and long papers should identify challenges, discuss opposing viewpoints, outline processes, or present solutions related to any aspects of software engineering for IoT. Authors will have the choice to publish or not their papers in pre- and post-proceedings. The workshop post-proceedings of accepted short and long papers will be published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Accepted papers and talk abstracts will have between 5 and 10 minutes for presentation.
Submissions should follow ICSE formatting guidelines and should be submitted through EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=serp4iot19).
The official publication date of the workshop proceedings is the date the proceedings are made available by IEEE. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of ICSE 2019. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.