Invited keynote


Title: Evolving Edge Computing

Hugo Sereno Ferreira;

ARM Cambridge and University of Porto.



Hugo Sereno Ferreira brings over 20 years of diverse experience from both industry and academia. He has navigated various domains—from AdTech to FinTech, and from Machine Learning to Systems of Systems. Currently, he serves as a Principal Research Engineer at Arm in Cambridge, UK, and holds a position as a Professor at the University of Porto, Portugal (on leave). Throughout his career, Hugo has worn multiple hats: Architect, Principal Engineer, Senior Manager, CTO, and Assistant Professor. His journey has taken him through military research, startup ventures, higher education, and publicly traded companies. Over the last decade, Hugo has committed himself to bridging the divide between Software Engineering practices, patterns, and tools within the powerful infrastructure of data centres and those found within the millions of tiny devices. Recently, he embraced the challenge of joining the leaders of this transformation at Arm. His focus? Evolving the Edge.